Nina Paley

Recently, I was pretty impressed by this amazing stuff This Land Is Mine.

It is animation by “America’s best-loved unknown cartoonist” (according to author herself) Nina Paley. There are more aspects that can impress you. In the first place, it is amazing and simple graphic [yes, I am aware of the fact how time-consuming it is to do graphic – maybe better word is “minimalist”].

Snímek obrazovky 2014-07-27 v 8.12.47

There is a typology of various type of “warriors” that have ever existed…the author has called it as A Viewer’s Guide [Who’s Killing Who?].

The second fact is an erudite approach of the author to the issue of violence in the “land”. She outlines various conflicts across the history (you can appreciate educational character of the story). I highly recommend you to watch it and share this masterpiece with your friends, following the motto:

 Snímek obrazovky 2014-07-25 v 10.42.09

After watching this video, I promise, you will have an extensive discussion about the issues like violence, addiction [on power] and of course gender issue related to this. Superficially, we could argue that all violence is committed by men… but maybe just women did not get the opportunity to manage the series of battles.          Yeah, and have I mentioned the excellent song? Enjoy watching it!